Call for Board Nominations 2025-2026
SOAP is accepting candidates for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors now through February 11, 2025. We are seeking highly qualified and diverse leaders, ensuring the society is a welcoming environment for every member and reflecting our core values of diversity and inclusion. Available roles and other details are described below.
In addition to running high-level projects as leaders or members of various committees, general responsibilities of the Board include:
- Leadership and governance
- Strategy and policy development
- Determination of key performance measures and results
- Budget setting, resource allocation and risk mitigation
- Stewardship, ethics and financial integrity
Positions Available
To be eligible, candidates must self-nominate (see below), provide all required information, must be current on dues, and must be ACTIVE members of SOAP. Previous service on a committee or other SOAP volunteer opportunity is preferred but not required. Candidates will be considered for no more than one (1) appointed position and one (1) elected position. Each role has specific required/recommended experience for prospective candidates to consider.
Appointed Positions
- Treasurer - appointed by the Board of Directors
- This position is a three-year commitment, and serves simultaneously as the Finance Committee Chair.
- The Treasurer oversees and supervises the society’s financial business. The Treasurer works with the management staff to develop the annual budget, provide financial reports to the Board, report financial status to the membership, ensure timely filing of the annual tax return, oversee the annual audit, and ensure transparency and accuracy of financial records.
- It is preferred that the Treasurer hold an MBA or have a finance background.
- Diversity & Inclusivity Committee Chair - appointed by the Board of Directors
- This position is a three-year commitment and chairs the Diversity & Inclusivity Committee.
- Prior service on the Diversity & Inclusivity Committee or similar leadership service is helpful.
- Research Committee Chair – appointed by the Board of Directors
- This position is a three-year commitment and chairs the Research Committee.
- Prior service on the Research Committee or similar leadership service is helpful.
Committee chairs are expected to: ▪ Develop an annual action plan to define committee activities and resource needs ▪ Report to the Board on committee activities, planned initiatives, and accomplishments ▪ Maintain oversight of aligned subcommittees and task forces, if any ▪ Create visibility of the committee, subcommittees, and any work products
Elected Positions
- Vice President – elected by the membership
- This position is a three-year commitment, including one year as Vice President, followed by one year as President, and one year as Immediate Past President.
- Significant knowledge of SOAP and our strategic priorities is required.
- The Vice President presides over meetings in the temporary absence or by request of the President and spearheads special initiatives as directed by the Board. The term as Vice President is an opportunity to gain understanding of and prepare for the responsibilities of the presidency. The Vice President automatically succeeds to the role of President after the completion of his/her/their term. The Vice President co-chairs the Nominating Subcommittee with the Secretary.
How to Nominate
Self-nomination is required and demonstrates your willingness to engage as a leader. Please complete the self-nomination form on or before February 11. The form also requires a CV/bio sketch, a recent photo, brief responses to the following questions:
- What do you hope to accomplish in this role?
- Please describe the specific qualities and capabilities that will make you the best candidate for this role?
- What makes our society’s mission meaningful to you?
- Why do you want to serve on the Board of Directors?
- Describe your previous service to SOAP
You are welcome to express interest in more than one position. You will be eligible to be a self-nominated candidate for no more than one (1) appointed position and one (1) elected position. However, you can only apply once, so please give careful consideration to your responses and ensure all information is correct and complete before you submit the form. Only self-nominations are accepted; if you would like to support the candidacy of another member, please encourage them to apply and feel free to submit a letter of recommendation separately.
The deadline to apply is February 11 at 11:59 pm Eastern. The Nominating Subcommittee will select a slate of candidates and notify candidates in February/March. A vote of SOAP members will be held by virtual means beginning in mid-March.
Terms will begin July 1, 2025, and end June 30, 2028 (including the Vice President, as part of the three-year commitment to Vice President, President and Immediate Past President at one year each). Board orientation will be held in June as a virtual presentation.
Voting/Appointment Process
The Nominating Subcommittee will review all self-nominations and select a slate of candidates for all positions, to be elected through a member vote or appointed through action of the Board as described above. The Nominating Subcommittee will vet the candidates with a focus on a highly qualified and diverse Board, reflecting these attributes:
- Qualifications for and ability to contribute to the Board and specific role(s)
- Demonstrated leadership, character, collaboration, and respectful discourse
- Elements of diversity and inclusiveness