Working Groups (Subcommittees and Task Forces)

Much of the work of SOAP is done through working groups (subcommittees and task forces) that align under SOAP committees. These hard-working volunteers create materials for patient and provider use, design events, select award and grant recipients, determine the institutions that meet the standards of Centers of Excellence designation, and more. If you want to get involved, watch for the call for committee interest each spring.
>> Subcommittee Alignments & Descriptions

Information for Working Group Members
Annual Meeting and Live Events Committee Working Groups
  • Locations and Logistics Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Annual Curricular Planning Subcommittee (Chair: Holly Ende)
  • CME Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Sponsors and Industry Subcommittee (Chair: Brandon Togioka)
  • Inter Society Planning Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)

Diversity & Inclusivity Committee Working Groups

  • Pathway Programs and Mentorship (Chair: Jennifer Dominguez)
  • Community and Patient Engagement (Chair: Kokila Thenuwara ) 
  • Health Equity (Chair: Paloma Toledo) 
  • DEI Training and Career Development (Chair: Michelle Simon)  

Education Committee Working Groups

  • Clinical Resources Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Simulation and Technology Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Patient Safety Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Patient Education Subcommittee (Chairs: TBD)
  • Trainee Curriculum Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • OB/MFM/Midwife Education Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Awards Task Force (Chair: Joy Schabel)

Finance Committee Working Groups

  • Fundraising Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)


Governance Committee Working Groups

  • Bylaws Subcommittee (Chair: Richard Month)
  • Nominating Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
Intersociety Committee Working Groups
  • Centers of Excellence Subcommittee (Chair: Ruth Landau)
  • Collaborative & Endorsed Statements Subcommittee (Chair: Grace Lim)
  • International Outreach Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Kybele/SOAP Grant Review Task Force
Member Value Committee Working Groups
  • Special Interest Groups Subcommittee (Chair: Francinni Rego)
  • Newsletter Subcommittee (Chair: Kristen Fardelmann)
  • Digital Media Subcommittee (Chair: Brian Waldman)
  • Under-resourced Environments Outreach Subcommittee (Chair: TBD)
  • Mentoring Academy Subcommittee (Chair: Feyce Peralta)
Research Committee Working Groups
  • Abstract Review Subcommittee (Chair: Ruth Landau)
  • Grants Subcommittee (Chair: Grace Lim)
  • Research Network Subcommittee (Chairs: Ronald George)
  • Research Promotion Subcommittee (Chair: Vesla Kovacheva)